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Netscape Changes RSA tree

I just learned that Netscape added a new root to the RSA tree
when they licensed the Digsig part of the netsite server.

 You see, if you're a current Certificate Authority
(I am) and you wish to assign a Digital Certificate to Netscape, you can't.
(Unless you pay RSA *MORE* money and upgrade your software, which isn't 
really available yet.)  The alternative is to pay RSA for your certificate
(yes, like everyone else!) and then get one from them.

While this seems minor, after all, I am only talking about one server;
WHEN we get to version 1.5, which is supposed to support Certifiates at
the client level, we could be forced to pay for many certificates, outside
of our current purchase arrangement with RSA.  Further, the potential
exists for users to have to have TWO certificates.  One for their "regular"
digitally signed documents, and one for Netscape.  And at $279, plus the
browser, this is not a bargan!! *so much for a distinguished name that
uniquely identifies you*

In case you missed it, the origional RSA heirarchy had two levels,
and Netscape has pushed the tree down a level, creating a new root.
(They applied for a root node license.)

Which also means that existing tree members cannot talk to the new
nodes, until they too, have been upgraded to "know" about the new arrangement.

If anyone knows why the heck Netscape couldn't be another leaf node,
like everyone else, I would sure like to know.

Flame off.

   _______                                              ______________
   | | | |              Leland K. Neely                 |  ________  |
   | | | |              U.C.L.L.N.L                     | |`       | |
   | | | |_____         P.O. Box 808 L-613              | |________| |
   | | \______/         Livermore CA 94551              |____________|
   | \_______/          Email: lkn@llnl.gov             ___|______|___
   \________/           Voice: (510) 422-0140           |____________|